Madeline D. and Rodney H. Portier Endowed Scholarship

This scholarship is for students entering their junior year majoring in Pre-Medicine with a minimum 3.0 GPA and a Florida Resident. The student must maintain a 3.0 GPA for renewal in the senior year. The student(s) must demonstrate financial need based on financial aid policy and provide three letters of recommendation (one of which must be from a FAMU biology or chemistry professor) attesting to the following qualities: creativity, task orientation, sense of professional ethics and purpose, dependability, ability to relate well to others and overall potential.

College of Science and Technology
Supplemental Questions
  1. Please upload a copy of your resume.
  2. In 750 words or less, please discuss your professional goals (including what type of medical doctor you want to become and why) and the impact that this scholarship will make regarding meeting your professional goals.
  3. Please provide three letters of recommendation (one of which must be from a FAMU biology or chemistry professor) attesting to the following qualities: creativity, task orientation, sense of professional ethics and purpose, dependability, ability to relate well to others and overall potential.
    • Letter #1
    • Letter #2
    • Letter #3
  4. If you have the hard copy letter(s) of recommendation, please upload the letter(s).